Saturday, September 20, 2008

From the late My MySpace:
Hey everyone...

I'm going to be deleting my MySpace at Midnight, Sunday the 21st. Several reasons for this:

1. Functionality. MySpace makes it unnecessarily hard to find people and manage your network. Their search engine is unrefined, buggy, and unspecific. For a social networking site, MySpace doesn't really have any structured "networks".

2. Ads. Even with Firefox Ad Block, MySpace is still riddled with senseless advertisements. The next time I see a psychopathic clown telling me to shave a rodent, I'll scream.

3. Politics. The ownership, running, and other politics of MySpace lead me to dislike its owners.

4. Distraction. It's Junior year; I need less to distract me.

5 final first and foremost: Taste. MySpace has decayed from a sort-of ok website, to a sponge of oozing stupidity. Sure, once or twice it will have something cool, but for the most part...its community and featured content are all trash, making me avert my gaze from my very homepage. I shouldn't have to do that! It is appealing to the lowest common denominator, and I hate it.

For these reasons, and probably many others, I am deleting my MySpace. Please add me on Facebook:

My Facebook

...not to say that Facebook doesn't have its own problems, but they are far less than MySpace's. (If you want the old Facebook format, follow Kasey Hoare's instructions. Thanks, Kasey!) ...Or just call/text me.

Thanks for reading,

And so, my days on MySpace are over. The feature I'll miss most, my blog, is probably going to get deleted along with it. Right now, I'm trying to find a way to save it, but more likely than not it's lost history...which is a shame, but all the more reason to write new blogs. BLOGGER. Blogosphere proper, here I come!

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